SUMMER!! I think most kids will agree, it is just the GREATEST time of the year. School's out, neighborhoods and parks are alive, the sun feels wonderful and warm, and there is a feeling of freedom and energy unlike in any other season.
For young basketball players, it is a fun and perfect time to develop a new plan to ready themselves for the fall basketball season. I have always liked the idea of keeping a basketball diary to help chart the course. It does not have to be anything fancy - it can simply be blank sheets of paper clipped together upon which the girls and boys can write down their thoughts, ideas and goals. Things that would be helpful to think about would be:
A listing of the fundamentals of basketball
The individual strengths, achievements and improvements made during the past year
The areas of difficulty that need to be emphasized when practicing
Identify 3 goals to achieve between now and the fall. I like the number 3 because it is not overwhelming, but it will also ensure players work on a variety of skills to bring dimension to their games. Really challenge yourselves and work most often on the things that are truly difficult.
As the new plan takes shape, and young players begin to practice, it is important for them to remember that ANYTHING is possible through hard work and a positive mental approach. The combination is like super-hero ammunition, but they must go hand-in-hand. Both are necessary to achieve success:
Hard Work - practice, practice, and more practice with game-time intensity and proper technique. Repetition is key...'train the brain'...do it over and over and over again. And, please remember if young players don’t practice correctly, and at the right energy level, no matter how often they practice, the work will not be productive and they will not improve. Bring balance, bring energy, practice correctly….and then, LET’S GO GET ‘EM!! It is surprising how something that was once so difficult, will soon seem much easier!
Positive Mental Approach – The power of the mind is an incredible weapon! Young players can put in hours of practice, but if they do not believe they can succeed, they simply won’t. What they tell themselves will hugely impact results. I had a boss a few years ago who told me, “What you plant is what you grow”. I use this and say it often to my students. I like the analogy of a garden, it is spot on. Mastering the mental aspect is often much more difficult than the physical work. Just like everything else, it requires practice to be able to flip the switch! Plant new, positive messages and visualize success. LET’S GO GET ‘EM!
Thanks for reading!
--Sue (cell: 440.622.6163 or email: suewatkins9562@sbcglobal.net)